Want to write a guest post for findcourses.com?


The benefits to you and our submission guidelines





What are we looking for?

New content that Inspires, Helps, or Showcases development topics that helps our visitors make decisions along their buying journey.


So, what are the benefits to you of submitting a Guest post?

“HELPFUL”  Google wants to better ensure people see original, helpful content written by people, for people, in [their] search results. That means that original articles offering true insight and go beyond the top line are considered better for SEO. 

BUILDS AUTHORITY (for you and us) - writing is one way to establish you as a thought leader and expert in your field. Sharing expertise combats all the AI-written content both IRL and for Google. 

BRAND AWARENESS puts you and your brand top of mind for learners and gives them a reason to choose you versus a competitor 

Not sure what to write about?

Traffic-relevant topics help boost both your authority as an expert and the site’s SEO authority. Ask your CSM or Account Manager for topic ideas. 

Need help getting started? Use ChatGPT. (yes, you can!) 

Remember that generative-AI tools like ChatGPT don’t replace the human within the experience. Your experiential thoughts and insights are what put the helpful in “helpful content.”  

  • Use ChatGPT to write a draft, check for factual accuracy, edit for grammar or flow, summarize research, create a writing outline or catchy headers   
  • Give examples from your experience, thoughts, opinion, client examples, etc to add interest  

Submission guidelines 


We are not looking for: 

  • Listicles of commonly known information 
  • Articles that are heavily focused on marketing your own products or services (although we do not mind subtle promotion)


Other requirements:

  • 800-1200 words 
  • Source credit by linking (if includes a statistic, idea, or statement from another source). We recommend that your article link out to at least two authoritative sources other than your own site 
  • Author (not company) bio (max 300 words)  
  • Author image (500px by 500px) 
  • Optional: 1-4 license-free images (940x420 px) to complement your article. We reserve the right to choose whether we use these images


Fill in the form below to submit your guest post.